A new BETA of the StableBit Scanner is now available for download.
Download it here: https://stablebit.com/Scanner/Download
Full change log: https://stablebit.com/Scanner/ChangeLog
This is mostly a bug fix release with some minor enhancements.
Settings Backup and Restore

Under advanced settings and troubleshooting you now have options that enable you to backup and restore the StableBit Scanner settings and application state.
The backup is very straight forward, you simply pick a folder where you would like to store the backed up settings, and your settings will be backed to into that folder. To restore your settings, simply select the same folder and the StableBit Scanner will override all of your existing settings with the settings from the backed up location.
All non-UI related persistent data is backed up and restored. StableBit Scanner settings, notification settings, custom disk names, locations and scan history are among the things that are backed up. UI related data such as window position and state is not included in the backup.
PCIe Speed

For NVMe drives, the StableBit Scanner now shows the PCIe version, width and link speed of that drive under Disk Details.
As always, if you encounter any issues with this BETA, please let us know here: https://stablebit.com/Contact