With version StableBit CloudDrive enters the Release Candidate stage.

Download it here: https://stablebit.com/CloudDrive/Download
Once again, a big thank you to everyone who helped test the BETA of this product and who reported issues to us, it makes the product all that much better to use for everyone. If you do encounter any additional issues, please don’t hesitate to report those at https://stablebit.com/Contact so that they can be identified and fixed up.
Pre-release Drives
Any existing cloud drives that were created prior to the 1.0 RC will show a “pre-release” banner.

Although the RC is fully backwards compatible with all of the previous BETAs, the back-end functionality may have changed since, and those pre-release drives may not be utilizing the most optimal code paths. For example, there may be newer validation algorithms available, better data organization patterns, or simply that the default settings for new drives may have changed.
To get the best experience in StableBit CloudDrive, ideally, your drives should be created with version or newer.
Additional Providers
We’ve got a bunch of requests for additional storage providers, and those will start to be added after the 1.0 release final is out. If you do want to see a particular provider added, please do let us know at https://stablebit.com/Contact.